Elbow Pain Treatment In Singapore
Though the elbow is a non-weight bearing joint, it is just as susceptible to injury as other parts of the body.
Injuries in the elbow are primarily causes by strains from the frequent use of the joint. Most every day activities and tasks will require repetitive hand and arm movements. Apart from over usage, abrupt movements against resistance such as breaking a fall may also cause injury to the elbow.
The two common types of elbow pain are known as Golfer’s elbow and Tennis elbow.
About the Doctor
Dr Daniel Phang
Dr. Daniel Phang is a Singapore-certified anaesthesiologist and pain management physician, specializing in ultrasound-guided interventions for various pain conditions. He completed a fellowship at Toronto Western Hospital and holds FIPP and CIPS certifications. Dr. Phang is also active in education, regularly lecturing on pain management.

Elbow Pain Treatment at Affinity Pain Clinic
Affinity Pain Clinic 的肘部疼痛治疗
虽然冷敷或热敷等家庭疗法可能有助于暂时缓解疼痛,但最好寻求专业帮助以进行准确诊断。在 Affinity Pain Clinic Singapore,与家庭疗法相比,我们先进的循证评估和干预是一种更深入的治疗方法。
我们的团队由认证疼痛管理医师 Daniel Phang 博士领导,他在影像引导干预方面拥有丰富经验,致力于在新加坡提供最准确、最具成本效益的肘部疼痛治疗。
请拨打 +65 6429 1335或+65 8023 3065 联系我们 或发送电子邮件至enquire@gastapp.org进行任何进一步的查询。
What triggers headaches and migraines?Headaches, migraines, and facial pains have a variety of triggers. Primary headaches arise from intrinsic pain mechanisms in the head. This mechanism may be triggered by many factors including cold weather, dehydration, stress, poor posture, physical activity and certain foods. Secondary headaches are caused by underlying diseases.
When should I be concerned about a migraine or headache?It is important to seek urgent medical assistance from a specialist for headaches in Singapore if you are experiencing the following symptoms: When the headache is 'the worst ever'; also described as a 'thunderclap' headache Accompanied with fever and rash, a stiff neck and/or aversion to light Worsening with changes in posture, vomiting, coughing Progressively worsening Associated with recent head injury Changes in personality or neurological deficit such as weakness, drooling, drooping of eyelids Changes in character of headache Younger than 10 years or older than 50 years of age
What are some signs and symptoms of headaches and migraines?A headache may present as one sided, dual sided or a band around the head. It may have precursor symptoms such as metallic tastes, flashes of light or sounds, nausea/ vomiting or sometimes weakness. Chronic neck pain may also cause headaches. Seeking professional help from a headache specialist in Singapore such as Affinity Pain Clinic is recommended.
How do you get rid of headaches, migraines, and facial pains?Lifestyle assessment and changes are the simplest way to tackle most tension headaches. Medication is an option that can be discussed with your neurologist or pain physician. Occasionally, certain conditions may be treated with pain intervention and facial pains treatment. These include cluster headaches and trigeminal neuralgia.


当过度使用前臂肌肉时会出现这种情况,并且任何经常使用这些肌肉的人都会经历这种情况。那些从事需要定期重复手臂运动的职业的人,例如厨师、木匠和水管工,更容易患上这种疾病。此外,网球肘是 30 至 50 岁人群中常见的一种疾病。在没有适当击球技术的情况下练习壁球、羽毛球和网球等球拍运动也会增加患网球肘的风险。
Affinity Pain Clinic 的肘部疼痛治疗
虽然冷敷或热敷等家庭疗法可能有助于暂时缓解疼痛,但最好寻求专业帮助以进行准确诊断。在 Affinity Pain Clinic Singapore,与家庭疗法相比,我们先进的循证评估和干预是一种更深入的治疗方法。
我们的团队由认证疼痛管理医师 Daniel Phang 博士领导,他在影像引导干预方面拥有丰富经验,致力于在新加坡提供最准确、最具成本效益的肘部疼痛治疗。
请拨打 +65 6429 1335或+65 8023 3065 联系我们 或发送电子邮件至enquire@gastapp.org进行任何进一步的查询。

What triggers headaches and migraines?Headaches, migraines, and facial pains have a variety of triggers. Primary headaches arise from intrinsic pain mechanisms in the head. This mechanism may be triggered by many factors including cold weather, dehydration, stress, poor posture, physical activity and certain foods. Secondary headaches are caused by underlying diseases.
When should I be concerned about a migraine or headache?It is important to seek urgent medical assistance from a specialist for headaches in Singapore if you are experiencing the following symptoms: When the headache is 'the worst ever'; also described as a 'thunderclap' headache Accompanied with fever and rash, a stiff neck and/or aversion to light Worsening with changes in posture, vomiting, coughing Progressively worsening Associated with recent head injury Changes in personality or neurological deficit such as weakness, drooling, drooping of eyelids Changes in character of headache Younger than 10 years or older than 50 years of age
What are some signs and symptoms of headaches and migraines?A headache may present as one sided, dual sided or a band around the head. It may have precursor symptoms such as metallic tastes, flashes of light or sounds, nausea/ vomiting or sometimes weakness. Chronic neck pain may also cause headaches. Seeking professional help from a headache specialist in Singapore such as Affinity Pain Clinic is recommended.
How do you get rid of headaches, migraines, and facial pains?Lifestyle assessment and changes are the simplest way to tackle most tension headaches. Medication is an option that can be discussed with your neurologist or pain physician. Occasionally, certain conditions may be treated with pain intervention and facial pains treatment. These include cluster headaches and trigeminal neuralgia.
3 伊丽莎白山 17-16 级 伊丽莎白山医院新加坡 228510
电话: +65 6429 1335 , +65 8023 3065
电子邮件: enquire@gastapp.org