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5 Activities That Increase The Risk Of Having Golfer's Elbow

Updated: Jan 22

Elbow pain has many potential causes. From sports injuries and ticks to arthritis and fractures, there are several possible reasons why you are experiencing pain in your elbow. If the pain is constant, then you might be suffering from what is called a “golfer’s elbow.” The medical term for golfer’s elbow is medial epicondylitis, and it is a condition caused by damage to the tendons and muscles that control your wrist and fingers.

Although anyone can experience a golfer’s elbow, some individuals are more prone to developing the condition than others. This is because the condition usually develops due to muscle overuse. To understand more about this, read on as this article enumerates the common symptoms of golfer’s elbow and the activities that can increase your risk of developing the condition.

Golfer’s Elbow and Its Symptoms

As mentioned earlier, golfer’s elbow is a condition that results from damage to the tendons and muscles controlling your wrist and fingers. This damage is commonly associated with excessive or repeated stress, specifically strenuous wrist and finger motions. As a form of tendonitis, golfer’s elbow causes pain and inflammation. The center of this pain is on the bony bump on the inner side of your elbow, and it may radiate into your forearm.

In Singapore, golfer’s elbow treatment usually ranges from simple home remedies like ice application to medications and surgery. The key to getting rid of golfer’s elbow effectively is early diagnosis and treatment. Here are the common symptoms that indicate you might have a golfer’s elbow:

· Pain and tenderness, usually on the inside of your elbow or forearm. This pain typically exacerbates with certain movements, such as swinging a golf club or making a fist.

· Tingling or numbing that radiates into one or more fingers, specifically the ring and little fingers.

· Stiffness in your elbow.

· Weakness in your wrists and hands.

Common Activities That May Lead to a Golfer’s Elbow

Anyone can develop a golfer’s elbow. However, there are certain movements or activities that may increase your risk of developing the condition. Generally, to result in a golfer’s elbow, the activity must be performed for more than an hour per day on numerous days. Here are the activities that may cause you to develop a golfer’s elbow:

1. Golf

As its name suggests, golfer’s elbow is common among many golf players. This is mainly because the sport involves a lot of repetitive forearm movements and rotational striking motions. When done excessively or improperly, these movements can cause pain in your elbow and inflammation of your tendons and muscles.

2. Racket Sports

Aside from golf, there are several other sports that can increase your risk for golfer’s elbow, especially those that involve the use of rackets like tennis, badminton and squash. Improper method with racket strokes, specifically the backhand, can result in injury to the tendon. Using a racket that is too heavy or small and excessively using topspin can also lead to golfer’s elbow.

3. Throwing Sports

Besides racket sports, throwing sports, such as baseball, softball, bowling, and archery, can also make you more prone to developing golfer’s elbow. For instance, if you are pitching a ball improperly during a game of baseball or softball, you can injure your arm and experience pain in your elbow. As a matter of fact, the condition is also sometimes referred to as “pitcher’s elbow.”

4. Weight Training

Lifting weights using incorrect techniques can overwork the tendons and muscles of your elbow and cause golfer’s elbow. An example of improper technique for lifting weights is curling your wrists during a bicep workout. If done repeatedly, you are at high risk of suffering from elbow pain.

5. Forceful and Repetitive Movements

If you are a painter, plumber, carpenter, or someone who works in the field of construction, then you also have an increased risk for golfer’s elbow. This is because these occupations involve a lot of forceful and repeated movements of your arms and wrists that can cause the condition.


Muscle overuse is the most common cause of golfer’s elbow. Hence, it comes as no surprise that this condition is more common in individuals who play racket or throwing sports, lift weights, or engage in an occupation with plenty of forceful and repetitive movements. Fortunately, golfer’s elbow can be treated effectively. If you are experiencing any or all of the symptoms of golfer’s elbow, be sure to consult a pain management specialist right away to learn the kind of treatment that is right for you.

For the most effective yet affordable pain treatments in Singapore, Affinity Pain Clinic is the expert you should go to! We are a reputable specialist for headaches and other pains. We provide outstanding treatments for an array of pain conditions, such as neck and back pain, neuropathic pain, joint pain, and musculoskeletal knee pain in Singapore. Additionally, we also offer excellent sport injury treatment in Singapore.

For more details about our treatments, please feel free to get in touch with us by filling out the contact form here.

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